Monday, February 1, 2010

Ila Turns 6

Well, it's been awhile and I have no real excuse as to why I don't blog as much as I could, but hey, better late than never right?? Well, yesterday was Ila's sixth birthday. In talking with Jason I asked him if he realized that next year she'll be in first grade and Isaac will be in kindergarten. He didn't want to talk about it. It's hard to admit that your children are growing so quickly. Yesterday I looked at three of them sitting in the pew at church and I realized just how fast they are growing. For example, our little girl got an "MP and 3" player for her birthday, really at six? She says things that amaze me, the observations she makes, the way she reads already, AMAZING!!! She is the smartest little girl ever, she is beautiful and has the biggest heart. We love her and are so grateful that she is a part of our life!


Angela said...

Hey Aimee! This is Angela. Just wanted to leave a post on your blog. Now we can be blog buddies! :) You have a great family though. You should be very proud! Happy Birthday Ila! Kids do grow up way too fast! Oh, let me know if you can't get to our blog and I'll send you a link!