Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ode to Aiden

Aiden turns two next week, so in honor of him I have prepared the following prose (please bear in mind that I am not a poet):

It does not seem that long ago when on that September day,
God graced us with a little boy and no crying came our way.

A happy child, he'd prove to be so well loved and adored.
When singing with the 'Tiger' song he always strikes the chord

With big brown eyes, he's quick to smile and torment ladybugs.
Intelligent beyond his years, he talks and offers hugs;

This little man has won our hearts, our family he completes,
Such blessings now ours because of him, our cup became replete.

He is all boy, loves, trucks and blocks and digging in the dirt.
He'll flash his smile and melt your heart, he is a little flirt.

Each day he learns, grows and explores, knowing no need to fear it.
Our lives enriched our hearts are full and we are grateful for this spirit.


Zimmer Mom and Pop said...

All so true!!! He is a little sweetheart! Nice job with the poem mom!

Jeff and aimie said...

WOW! loved the poem, and the little dude. we cant wait to play with him. cant wait to see you guys. miss you tons!