Saturday, September 19, 2009

Aiden Turns -2-

Well, today was the big day. Our youngest has officially turned two. It's a bittersweet age. He has so much to experience, so many things ahead for him, so much for him to do; and yet, still soo many tantrums to throw. At Stake Conference tonight there was a young couple in front of us with one child they were struggling to get to sleep. I almost leaned forward and said, "You know this is the easy part right?" Anyhow, we did a Spongebob party because he LOVES Spongebob. He got a Spongebob bed set, jammies, and movie. His favorite gift though was from Rachel and Tyler, the smarties!!

We had a small family party and we were very fortunate that Aiden's great Aunt Jeanne and Jackie were in town so they came and joined us for the festivities. It occurred to me today that my kids are so lucky to know their great aunts, uncles and grandparents. Rachel, Tyler and Jacob also came to celebrate with us and of course, I didn't get any pictures of them.

Not the worst cake ever but not the best either. This one was a checkerboard of blue and yellow with lemon filling between each layer.

Dan and Cat came too and this was during the singing. Nana and Poopa joined in via the webcam.

He is such a cute little boy and we love having him in our family. We look forward to many more adventures to come.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ode to Aiden

Aiden turns two next week, so in honor of him I have prepared the following prose (please bear in mind that I am not a poet):

It does not seem that long ago when on that September day,
God graced us with a little boy and no crying came our way.

A happy child, he'd prove to be so well loved and adored.
When singing with the 'Tiger' song he always strikes the chord

With big brown eyes, he's quick to smile and torment ladybugs.
Intelligent beyond his years, he talks and offers hugs;

This little man has won our hearts, our family he completes,
Such blessings now ours because of him, our cup became replete.

He is all boy, loves, trucks and blocks and digging in the dirt.
He'll flash his smile and melt your heart, he is a little flirt.

Each day he learns, grows and explores, knowing no need to fear it.
Our lives enriched our hearts are full and we are grateful for this spirit.