Monday, June 29, 2009

Ward Activity and Shooting Afterward

Well, on Saturday we held another ward activity and the turnout was better but still not great. We held the Highland Games complete with Scottish dancers and a bagpiper. We had caber tosses, tire tosses and stone puts for adults and the kids. We also had face painting, rootbeer and otterpops so it was a good time. Those who came had a lot of fun and that's all that matters. Afterward we had lunch with Jason's brothers and drove out to a range and shot Jason's gun that Grandpa gave him.

More Dancing

Monster Basketball

Watch Out for Isaac!!

Stone Put

Grandpa's Gun: It was fun and the boys were soooo excited. Needless to say, Jason's in love with his new toy.

Daniel was so funny because he was sooo excited, he was like one of those yappy dogs that jumps around saying, 'Hey boss what do you think boss can we do it boss? Can we, can we, can we??!!!'

Yes, even I got involved in the festivities and I wasn't even sore the next day!

In the end, the day was too much fun for these boys


Jeff and aimie said...

WOW that looked like a lot of fun! I think the pic of the bros, looks like a tough group, but only way Jody would look tough is if he was holding the gun so that helped! Good job Aimee for shooting the gun, hope Grandpa sees those pics, he is going to love it. Cant wait to see you guys at Christmas, and yes you will be there!!!! jeff

Jody Zimmer said...

not only did i look tough - but i looked good. those shorts are awesome. That was a fun day. we'll have to do it again.