Saturday, May 2, 2009

Trip to Oregon

We recently took a trip back to Oregon to visit with our families. The kids loved playing with their cousins and seeing all of their grandparents. The nice thing is that we weren't rushed to do stuff, we were just able to hang out and relax. We'll be heading back again in August for Kaylen's baptism so that will be great for the kids. In the meantime, they're both in school right now and will be until mid May then in June it's gymnastics and July sees the addition of swimming lessons (for both). So, we'll be pretty busy this summer. Oh, the drama of having fun!

Jason is working full time and we've noticed a significant improvement is his mood so we're glad school will FINALLY be done in December, it's nice to have the fun loving non-stressed Jason back. We're hoping that finding a job and moving is an easy transition.

Finally, I must explain the video. We were outside and I was weeding a flower bed with my back to the kids. All of a sudden I hear Aiden's car sliding down the slide. I sat up and thought to myself, 'Do I really want to turn around and see what's going on?' But, I reluctantly did and saw Isaac on top of Aiden's car on top of the slide. He proceeded to slide down it and land in the turtle they had pushed to the bottom of the slide. I decided to film it because this is the little boy who used to cry if a toy moved, made noise, or heaven forbid do both. At least he had his helmet on...Safety first!!!


Zimmer Mom and Pop said...

I thought the video was truly Zimmer those boys! But he was smart and had on a helmet, I'm not too sure my boys would have gone with the helmet!
Love you guys!

Jody Zimmer said...

Safety First!!! i still can't believe thats isaac.

Cori said...

Hey I found your blog through your face book page, hope you don't mind. Where are you doing swimming lessons for the kiddos? I need to find something, I'm about ready to sign them up in IF.

Grandma & Pa Lecce said...

Way to go Isaac! next he'll be Spiderman jumping out of the tree.